We had a great opportunity last week to go up to the Duluth Depot and ride the Pumpkin Exprees :) We were all able to board the train and take a 20 min. ride north to a pumpkin patch. We were all able to grab a pumpkin and carry the very LARGE pumpkins back to the train (only 100 long yards or so) carrying the pumpkins were heavy but the fun part was to wiggle through skinny train doors with two pumpkins in your hand is pure talent. The boys had an awesome time, they were really good as favor as energy and listening goes but man they sure like to bug each other. It got to the point where I sat with Keaton in a seat and Darc sat with Cam. I guess you can call it brotherly love.
I grew up in Duluth MN and moved from there when I was 10. This past week when we were up there we drove through the old neighborhood. I had to grab some pictures of Piggly Wiggly. It is a grocery store that I swear has not change in 20 years, it is exactly how I remember it as a kid.
We made a day trip to Duluth on Friday. On the way up we saw a bald eagle sitting on the side of the road. We turned around and grabbed the camera to see if we could get a few shots. As we got closer he flew to a nearby tree where we were able to grab a few. I don’t think I have ever been this close to a bald eagle before. Darc snapped these ones.
I feel like it has been 1 million years since I have actually posted a POTD. Well I spent several hours today going through thousands of photos taken since June that I have not done anything with yet. Well here are some from the past day or two (as you can tell Keaton did not want his picture taken). I will try to get back with it now since I have stuff to work with.
To deliver pizza! Dominions Pizza teamed up with our local fire department for "National Fire Prevention Month" they advertised on the radio if you called between 5-8 they would deliver the pizza in a fire truck and test all your smoke alarms. If they all worked they gave you a $20 credit on your pizza and if they did not work they would replace the batteries in the alarm. As soon as I heard that I pre-ordered some pizza, Cameron is obsessed with fire alarms and sprinkler systems I knew this would make his day. We did not tell the boys we had ordered, when the truck pulled up I told the boys to see what was going on. They got so excited. Keaton wanted to know why there was a "parade" at our house (the only time he sees fire trucks is at parades. They came in and Cameron was all over showing the fire fighters where the alarms were at and testing them. I tried to grab some pics (by the way how do you shot a fire truck at night with its flashing lights on?)