Oh boy where do I start. Well I have been pestering my dear wife for the last week or so on what my Christmas present was. I was 100% convinced that she was getting me a snowmobile (I bet she still is :o). So I was trying to get hints and she had me going every direction on what I was getting.
Darcy was hiding my present at her parents house and she went to bring it home on Monday. While she was trying to hurry out of the house and hide it in the van (so the boys didn't see it) she got going a bit too quick on the ice and needless to say she crashed...HARD...while trying to curl her body around the wii to protect. She fell hard enough that she had to cancel the rest of my patients for the day because her left arm isn't working quite right...opps...at. Darc had me oopen it that night to make sure it wasn't broke, it works GREAT! So I guess we can say we have had our first Wii injury and it was not even out of the box.
I can not believe I got a Wii for Christmas, the last gaming system I had was the original Nintendo (which I still have). It is so cool, I would have never guessed in a million years that she got this for me. Thank You so much hun!
As you can see by the pics the boys have already taken a liking to it. Cameron bowled a 157 on his first time ever using it (oh and yes we do feed the kid, look at those ribs)!
Merry Christmas All