Keaton started back in swimming lessons this week. He has always refused to have anything to do with goggles but when we got there this week he took a look around and realized he was the only one without any on. Thanks goodness Darcy happened to have put them in the swim bag. Darc put them on him and he was happy as could be. Unfortunately he wouldn’t let her tighten them up so they were full of water after a few laps but he didn’t care.
I think this is one of the first years our whole family has been able to make it to the Ash Wednesday service together. Up until 10 minutes prior to leaving just Darcy and Cameron were going to go and I was going to stay home and work on fixing a butt load of computers and get Keaton down for bed since it would be past his bed time. Well I was at a good stopping point with the computers and Keats really wanted to go so we all went. I am extremely glad I took the extra time and went to the service, I am glad we could spend that time as a family as well. The boys really took in the whole process and had a ton of questions about if the ashes were hot, cold and so on.
Cameron loves to work, I really wish he would like to play a little more. Don't get me wrong I really like the help but he is always asking what he can help out with.
Keaton came home a few days ago with a poster he created for me! The bottom heart with the purple formation in it is “My Dad”. This is the first time we’ve seen him paint something that some what resembles a person and boy was he proud!
Anyone who knows Cameron knows why this is so funny! He is notorious for putting a price on everything and this is something we could totally see him doing. He got quite a kick out of this cartoon!
We were pretty proud of this valentine box Cam and Darcy made for him for his Valentine's Party at school! It took a bit of creativity and lots of red duct tape to wrap a box that big but he LOVED it. His favorite part was sticking all the foam glitter heart stickers on.
I never knew what went into these boxes!!! Oh and I give all the credit to the scrap page to Darcy as well.
So Cam brought home this fabulous piece of artwork today. I asked him to tell me a little bit about it and he said… “Have you heard of Picasso?” Yes, I have”, I told him. He said (as confident as could be), “It’s a Picasso.” Too cute! God I love this child!
(The car wash) Talkin' 'bout the car washgirl, Come on, ya'all, let's sing it with me (Car wash) Sing it with feelin', ya'all (Car wash, girl) "Rose Royce Car Wash"
It is so cool when they use the rainbow soap at the car wash. :o)
Last weekend we had three early morning shoots. When Keaton got up that morning I was busy setting up the lights and all that jazz. I asked him if we could come sit for me quick so I could do some test shots and he said only if he could wear the “goofy glasses” so here he sits in his PJ’s or lack of and “goofy glasses” he is such a little trooper when it comes to me trying to get my settings and lighting right. Thanks Keats!
WOW, I forgot I had a blog. It has been forever since I have updated my blog. Life has been nuts. We did manage to sneak our yearly "Edge" water park trip in with the cousins. They had a blast, I can not believe how water logged those kids were by the end of the weekend.