Friday, June 27, 2008

Maybe I Am A Geek

Maybe I am a geek, all my friends and family say I am a geek and I think I am hip and cool since I list to a “hip” radio station and I am not 30 yet.... Anyways I was looking for cool birthday ideas for Cameron when I stumbled on a robotic arm game. The moment I saw that I had a flash back to the early 80’s. I had forgotten all about the “Armatron” until just a few nights ago. When I was a little kid I remember be fascinated with this device and had always wanted one. So for the heck of it I typed “Aramatron “into my friend ebay and it came up with a few auctions. Well as of this morning at 1 am I am the proud new owner of an “Armatron”. I can not wait to get it.

I have to confess a little, I know over the past few years I have been becoming a little more “geeky” but maybe I have always been a little bit of a geek. Oh well at least I will have a cool Armatron to play with. Now back to what I was originally doing. I need to go find a birthday present for Cam, I think he is going to follow in my foot steps. He is going to be hip and cool.


pat said...

Ok Jason, call me out of it, but what on earth does the Armatron DO???

Angelica said...

That thing looks kinda creepy but then again it probably does something really cool...right?

Amy said...

That's hilarious! I remember the Armitron!

But this comment....

"and I am not 30 yet.... "

That hurt. I'm way past 30....I must be OLD! LOL!

Kristen Wagner Penn said...

Ok, I am not 30 yet and I have no idea what that thing is!!! But I say you are only as geeky as you feel!

Jess said...

ROFL! But you are not geeky- I too would love to have an "Armatron"- it looks like fun! :)