Happy Birthday Bud! I can not believe you are 6 years old already. This year on his birthday he was once again in the Crosby parade riding in the Corvette with Grandma Judy and Papa Dave. He saw lots of friends and family and even a special man shouted out to him…when Cam couldn’t recognize who it was the guy ran up to the car, took his sun glasses off and said, “Hi Cam, it’s me! Mr. Aulie!!!” (his kindergarten teacher). I guess it was super cute!!! Then it was back to the campground to have a picnic with the Grandmas and Grandpas and Jen and her kiddos and our camping friends James, Jill, Hannah, Evan and Austin. We had a big picnic, complete with cupcakes and then opened presents. To give you a clue as to truly what kind of kid Cam is these are some of the presents he received: an introduction to electricity kit, a metal detector, tiddly winks, colored paper clips, and I think his favorite so far…a home made inventers kit complete with every color of duct tape imaginable, tons of string, paper clips, other types of clips, power cords and lots of other goodies. Too fun! The kids participated in a bike parade that afternoon and swam like crazy that night. It was a fun weekend!!!

What great birthday pics! Love the one with the fingers!
Happy Birthday to your guy! He is adorable. Love all of these!
Happy birthday to your little man. I love your take on theme in the first photo!
Happy Big SIX to your little guy! I love the shot of him with his fingers up, he looks almost perplexed, like he is wondering if Dad has lost his mind. I know that look well I get it often from my kidlets.
HOW Fun!!! 6 was a great year for me, and yea, I totally remember my birthday from then too. It was memorable.
I also wanted to tell you that there's a book called; raising geeks or something like that and the DH and I are reading it right now. We totally want to raise geeks and your post below made me smile.
How awesome that he gets to be in a parade!! Happy birthday!! Love the tye-dye tshirt!!
Happy Birthday to him! The parade looks fun - something about 4th of July parades in Lakes Country that is just so classic!
Awww, happy birthday Cam! And happy anniversary to Judy & Dave! :)
Happy B-day little Man! Great pics.
Shawna (shawkrem)
Happy, Happy Day! That homemade inventor's kit sounds pretty awesome! My youngest dd made a duct tape bank yesterday! :)
Happy Birthday Dude!
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