Yesterday we were in a “winter storm” warning calling for 8-10” of snow. Luckily we did not get that much. Yesterday us three boys went out to do the drive way. All of a sudden Keaton is bumping into me with his bike. He has this look on his face “come on dad get going” Keaton always surprises me. What a great attitude to have, when we are all complaining about the snow he grabs his bike and goes. I guess his cup is half full not empty.
Oh and only 45 days until camping season. That does not seem possible!

I love the silliness of how bundled up he is and sitting on that bike. The last shot is adorable! Great colors too.
Hahaha...I think he is beyond optimistic but I love it! He is just trying to give spring the extra nudge.
Now THAT is the attitude to have! Making lemons into lemonade! I love it!
Keaton is a man after my own heart!!!! Way to go buddy...embrace that snow.
Kids are so resiliant. I love that first shot--made me laugh. At least you have a snowblower!
I love his spunk! Good for him! Great captures, and I hope it melts soon for you.
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