Well we only have seven days left until we will traveling by this guy on the way to the campground. Yes next Friday is the opening weekend for camping! We are so pumped and can not wait to get other to do some relaxing. I love the way we “camp” they have a pool and hot tub along with so many other fun things for the kids to do. It is so nice to get away on the weekends

**** Edit for those that have been asking here is the size of the fish compared to my boys****
That is a great shot...Love the blue sky and the perspective on this...we are going to try camping with our kids this summer...they have never been!
Now that's a BIG fish!!! :)
Great shot! Have fun camping! You are more brave than I am. I won't camp in Minnesota until at least June!
Jason, you need to ps the lightpoles out of the lower left so it looks like the fish is "jumping" and you were in the water--a perspective thing. Of course, those of us who have lived in Minn. know that fish this big feed on the state bird...skeeters!!! Great shot. Where is this?
Neat shot, great blue and big fish
This is cool! I love the view!
I like your kind of camping. Fun shots....
Wow, that is one big fish statue! Have fun camping! I must say that is one thing I will never do and it is kind of a joke with everyone that knows me. I'm very much a girly-girl and don't do anything dirty! :) I actually asked my dh on our first date if he camped, he said he'd be willing to try it once, I knew we were meant to be!
WHOA! That is so cool! Just how BIG is that fish?
That's one big fish! Have a blast camping.
Cool fish. It would have to be Mid July for me to be able to camp up there. I had to read you 25 ways. Man that sucks i must have grown up and didn't know it till now.
Sounds like my kind of camping! As a kid my parents dragged me "up north" every summer to rough it. No electricity, no running water, no phones, no nothing but a river... OOOhhh how I hated camping. But your way sounds quite nice.
I love to camp and grew up doing it a lot. Of course, no hot tubs for us, it was roughing it ALL the way! That's about the only thing I like about the summer. So, what sort of fish is this?
love that fish! sounds like you know how to camp-hot tubs and pools sound good to me!
Thank you for posting the size comparison! WOW!
LOVE this!!!! Too bad you can't get the kids on his back!
Cool colors in that fish! And your boys are wearing shorts already?????!!!! Reminds me of a time we North Dakotans took my 3 kids to a water park in Utah. No one else was in the park, thinking it was too cold. Not my kids; they wouldn't leave till closing,and the poor lifeguards stood around huddled in blankets wishing we'd leave already! It's good to live in the northern plains and have antifreeze in your bloodsteam! Have fun camping!
Love the fish. I love camping, but I think I'd love it more with the hot-tub and pool, lol.
That is the coolest big fish statue I've ever seen!
Oh my goodness what a big fish. I love seeing it in comparison to your kids. I love camping. Enjoy!
That sounds like my kind of camping too! And that fish photo is hilarious.
so hard to believe camping season is starting already! Love seeing pictures of common MN sites. I grew up traveling around MN lakes with my dad to go fishing. Can' wait for summer to get here!
Neat photos. I love the one that shows the proportions to your boys.
I want to see the size of the worm that caught this fish. ;)
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