Here are a few of the AWESOME projects the boys made for mom this weekend.
Darcy, you are such a wonderful and amazing woman. I could not imagine a better mom in this world for our two boys. Thank You for everything you do for us!
I bet this brought a tear to her eye! Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes, and Happy Mother's Day to Darcy too. Will she be making a blog appearance or does she say no way? If not, she can be our POTD version of Norm's wife from Cheers. :-)
What beautiful gifts and cards! Mommy must have been real happy!
Oh man, those cards are winners all the way!!!
Awe..Love the cards! Too sweet. :)
I bet this brought a tear to her eye! Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes, and Happy Mother's Day to Darcy too. Will she be making a blog appearance or does she say no way? If not, she can be our POTD version of Norm's wife from Cheers. :-)
Jason, that's so sweet of you. I agree with Becky, will she make an appearance???
Oh wow...what a lucky mom to receive all these treasures! Love everyone of them.
What sweet Mother's Day gifts, the cards are just precious!
Jason! Those are great! I love the rainbow. Your children are lucky to have a dad who makes mother's day important! Thank you!
PS... I used to LOVE Geoff Moore and the Distance... LOL. Hearing your music brought back memories!
awwwwwe very sweet gifts
What sweet projects. I'm sure they made her day.
Love getting stuff like this from my DD! I bet Mom will love these!
Such beautiful cards! I love them all. :)
These are so cute! What terrific gifts!
Way sweet!
What a nice husband you are to record all of that for your wife and to say the kind things you say.
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