We wanted to get some good pics of the boys with Santa hats on (I should have used more than one light). What does Keaton do when he first sits down? He decides to be Sponge Bob! What goofy kids. Well here are some shots of the boys and the dog!

Oh and you can not forget the family dog Libby.
Love the second one!!!! The last two of the boys are perfect! How did you get them to sit so good? And the dog too! Love it!
Never seen cuter Santas!! And the one of Libby is adorable!
Ty are all great but really love the dog pic. ~Jackie
I think the lighting is great. Great catchlights. Adorable boys and cute dog.
You got a great mix of silly ones and serious ones and oh goodness that cute pooch! Love them all! Great job!
Nice shots! Love the silly ones, and the serious ones are just right. I do have to admit that my favorite is the Christmas Basset!
You did a great job on the lighting. Your boys have such great expressions. That last one of the dog is just too fun!
These are great though I think I prefer the first two. ;)
Boys will be boys LOL All of them are great but love the first one and the one with the dog
Oh these totally made me chuckle! I love them. The personality just shines through!!
Very cute boys! Great expressive shots. Love the one of the dog too.
Those are great - you already have a Christmas card photo for this year.
Ha! How cute! I love the one of Libby!
Darling, darling boys and cute shots! However, I think the dog simply steals the show....LOVE it!
Cute boys and the dog is pretty darn cute too! Great pics
Great captures! Your dog shot made me say awwww! We had a beagle/basset mix for 14 yrs. We lost her a few Christmases ago, but I still miss that dog!
The dog shot just cracked me up!
These are so fun. What's wrong with Spongebob? LOL
The lighting in these is fabulous! I love that first one. What an expression! But I think my favorite is of our dog! Too funny!
Those are great! I love the processing on them. We have our share of goofy faces here, in fact that's all we get. Won't they love it when they're older?
Love the blog banner too!
Your boys are so cute, but that last shot of Libby is just precious! I want to do Santa hat shots every year and forget every year!!! :)
Btw, love your header, the first book my dd read by herself was "No, David". It caught my eye.
They crack me up, even your dog :) Btw, the paper on my blog is savage Sky Blue-I adore that color.
Too cute! You will love these silly face shots one day, I promise! And the doggy in the hat is FABULOUS, it really made me smile!
I agree- all cute- but I love the dog one too!!
Sooo cute! Your son looks like a regular goofball with all those great expressions!!:)
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