We celebrated the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States… Barak Obama. The boys were pretty excited. We had to blow up balloons, wear party hats (did you know they don’t make specific party hats for this occasion) so we wore some “mater” hats and blew noise makers. They loved it! We talked about why this day is such a big deal, what the president does, what the white house is like and the Obama girls and how their lives will be different for at least the next 4 years. It has been fun to see the excitement of the country about this new journey and for Cam to just start to understand the significance of all this. Pretty historic! Pretty amazing! We are so not political people but it is neat to see this and how so many people have dreamed of this day.
As we sat around the office today watching the inauguration there were a few hard core republicans but they still thought it was so cool to see this.
When we went through adoption training a few years ago and had some of our classes on mixed raced we knew it was a “big thing”. I did not understand it until Obama was running for president on how “big” of an issue it really is. I can not believe some of the things I have heard. I understand the hole slamming each party but when you start slamming who is running because the color of their skin it is heartbreaking. I could never imagine having to deal with that everyday.

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