Ahhhhhh my D.C. Some have their coffee and cappuccino their booze and nicotine , I have my Coke. I love Coke, I am horribly addicted to it.
I should really buy some stock in it with as much of it as I drink ;).
Oh and by the way this is one of my first pictures with the new camera… it is a little on the noisy side so I will have to do some playing around this weekend, oh bummer!
Nice bokeh!
mmm, diet coke, yum!
I understand completely!!!! For me, it is Pepsi and french vanilla cappucino! Ask my hubby, I am a total crab without them! LOL!
I had to stop drinking my beloved coke. Cool shot.
Great shot!Love the selective color in this type of photo
Oh yes, for me it's now coke zero. Understand. ANd I think that shot is really great, crisp and clear.
Cool shot!
i'll pop a top with you any day! love me some DC. great shot of this. love the color.
Very nice focus!
I am a "diet coke" addict myself so you know I'm lovin this shot!! mmmmmmmmmm!!
an addiction I totally understand....but I prefer the fully leaded stuff. nice shot.
Both my parents were addicted to Diet Coke... I hated the way it tasted, but I would always sneak a sip of it when they weren't looking just because I wasn't allowed to drink it! LOL
Great shot. Dh would put this as his background if he could. ;)
LOL!! Great shot! Im one of those coffee addicts. LOL!
I love diet coke too...nice pic!
Diet Coke Anonymous member here too! great pic!
Hahaha...I LOVE COKE! (The drink...of course) I cannot get enough. Hmmm...you made me need to go get a glass I think. Great focus.
I want one! A 40D that is, not a Diet Coke, although the soda would be better for the budget.
Great job with color in this photo! I don't see noise, but that could just be my monitor! :)
The very first picture I took with my camera was a diet coke can also. There is always one by my side. Nice DOF
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