Well todays picture is nothing fancy but man it was fun. A lot of you know we LOVE to camp. Well our camping season ended Oct. 1 last year and we have not seen our camper since then. We have an AWESOME seasonal site and can not wait for it to open back up again. We actually were able to go out there today to do some measuring for some spring projects we have planned. I did not realize how much we missed being out there until we got there today. The campground is suppose to open up the end of April but man with the way things have been going it might be interesting, winter camping might not be bad ;). We were able to grab some quick shots but like I said nothing fancy but it was fun.

I am not a camping kind of gal but I am glad you guys had fun!
sounds like you're ready for camping season! love your pics--nice color.
Sounds so fun!!! I love that last shot!
Fun day! Wow, there's still a lot of snow up there. Hopefully you'll be able to go camping before long!
OH we are big campers also. Cannont wait until spring!!!
These photos are so bright and cheery. Hopefully you get to camp in warmer weather.
Heck, people do ice fishing, and I know the boyscouts camp in the winter, so if you love camping, explore it for winter! It would just be "different." One of my favorite photos from years ago was of my family with the barbeque grill set up and burgers being cooked. (although as soon as we snapped the photo, we jumped out of our chairs and ran inside!)
I like that second one. I can't wait till I can make my kids shovel@
Better you than me, Jason! I do love spending the day and evening in nature, just like to sleep in a comfy indoor bed. My mom has done winter camping...as a teacher with middle school kids...in tents! Hardcore.
Oh I gave up the tent thing long ago... Some people say the way we cam p is not camping because we have A/C, and all those fine things of a house. I see it has getting away from your everyday lifestyle and being forced to relax a little.
Camping to me is staying in the Motel 6, but I love seeing camping photos for sure. Its always like I am there, but I don't have to be cold, and their aren't any bugs. ;) Awesome photos.
i am not a camper lOL!
we took the kids ONCE we stayed one night in my brothers camper and after one day of ava eating sand (she was 1) and savannah saying "i am going to wash my nuk off in the lake", lake superior i was DONE LOL!!!!
so fun for family time though! we should try it again now that they are older!
Nice! I like the bright colors in the first one.
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