Well Saturday morning the phone rang at 7:21 AM (usually the phone ringing at that time of the morning is a bad sign). It was Darcy dad asking if we were up and dressed for the day :o) (with having kids… it seems like we are always up and dressed) but anyways he asked if he could stop by. I said “sure” not knowing what it was all about. Darcy had a silly little grin on her face knowing what it was all about. A few minutes later he pulled in the drive way and walked up to the door. Ma Pete convinced him to do an early morning doughnut run. I guess when Darcy was younger they would do that every once in a while, I guess the tradition will continue on. The boys thought that was the best thing in the world. I was wondering if he wanted to start early morning DQ runs. lol
Thanks for all the great comments over the past few days, it is fun to hear everyones stories…

Oh yummy! I miss having a good donut place around.
What awesome memories your boys will always have. TFS!
Great memories!!! Oh how I love donuts!!! Haven't had one in awhile though...
Very nice b&w conversions! MMMMMM donuts!
Yummy! That is so nice
traditions are always good...especially when it involves something sugary :)
nice to 'meet' you jason...this is my first time over at your blog jason and i like it...tfs!
What a great tradition, your kids will always remember it.
Man I almost stopped to get dohnuts on my way home tonight and now I did.
Wonderful pictures. Great b/w conversion. :)
Yummy and a great surprise especially in the morning! Great captures.
Super! I don't even like donuts, but like these.
What a great Grandpa. Great memories.
What a cool tradition! I guess ours is McDonalds biscuits and gray lol. The donuts look yummy, and what a sweet shot with Papa.
How fun! Great captures of your family - what wonderful memories!
What a fun tradition! I wish someone would show up at my door with donuts on Saturday morning. Or any morning, for that matter. Fun shots! YUM!
Man are you lucky! I'd love someone to deliver me donuts on a Sat. morning :) You're little one sure looks like he's enjoying his donut!
How sweet! What a fun memory!
How sweet. I love the second one. The anticipation in the shot is so fun!
Umm!! What a neat tradition to share!! Love the 2nd shot!
Yummy doughnuts! That is an awesome tradition, I bet your kids loved it! Great photos.
What a treat. And the shirt in the second photo is perfect-outta my way I'm getting my donut!
Aw what a fun treat! I love the early morning DQ run idea!hehe
What a nice tradition! Looks like the kids had fun!
So great, but I would be in for the early morning DQ run too! Yummy yummy!
OOh, what a fun treat. Glad you got a photo to go along. When I was a kid, an older couple my parents knew would visit once a year or so and always bring donuts. I wish I had pictures...
Oooh, we need to start these at my house! And a DQ run? Even better! These are great captures of your boys with granddad!
Haha...what a sweet (literally and figuratively) tradition. So much fun.
how sweet is that?! YUM!
I LOVE traditions like that! It really is the little things... isn't it!
I'm with you on the DQ run- an oreo blizzard sounds AWESOME right about now! ;)
oh how fun. it's cool to have traditions like that. those donuts look yummy.
So sweet, sounds like he's a fabulous grandfather!
Oh how fun! What a great surprise. I am really hungry for a doughnut now!
What a great suprise. You can never go wrong with donuts for breakfast!!
what a yummy tradition!
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