AV, 1/400, f/14, ISO 400

TV, 1/25, f/4.5, ISO 400
Help! We have this really cool water tower and I know in my head what I want but I can make it happen. These shots were big time test shots. I had no idea what I was doing and no tripod for the night one. If you have some good suggestions on how to improve the night time one that would be great. The tower had lights pointing at it so the light is spread evenly over the tower. I want to get a shot with a black sky and the tower nice and bright where do I start?
If you really want that tower bright...I think flash would work best. But...I like the ambient light you got actaully, gives it real depth. What a cool looking water tower, can see why you'd want a picture.
I think the shots you got here are wonderful! I love the last one and the way the sky looks!
I really like the color of the background in your night shot. It's kind of a graduated midnight blue on my monitor, and I think it's nice. I like the ambient light too.
Wow... that is a really cool water tower.. No suggestions, but tfs. toni
That is a really cool tower. I love the windows in it. I really like your lighting in the night shot.
Love the last one - great lighting on it!!
I love this the way it is! What a cool tower! The background on my monitor is also midnight blue. You could try adjusting levels, using the eyedropper tool for black on the black sky. I'm not sure how well it would turn out. . . I really, really like it the way it is!
That is the coolest water tower! I've only seen the boring round ones before. I actually like these, they look really nice and you got great focus for no tripod at night!
I like the nighttime shot. looks cool
Very cool!
How cool is that?! I really like the lighting on the water tower.
wow- your water tower is so much cooler than any of ours. I agree with pps about the background, but if you really want a black one play with levels. You'll have to adjust the background to black and then slide up the highlights to where you want.
that 2ns one is so awesome!!!!!!!!
I really actually like the color in the background on #2. Its so blue!
I don't have any suggestions for the shots really, but that water tower is awesome. I like the shots you got already.
I like the night shot. I think they turned out great.
I like the nightime one... looks really cool! BTW.... I share your diet coke addiction, although mine is caffeine free. :)
Im not much help! Thats a great tower though, looks like its from a castle.
I love the night shot. Great mood.
I don't have suggestions, but I think it looks so cool! I do hope you take more though cuz I'd like to see more of it!
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