My wife and I have been married for almost 10 years, we got married before we were 21. Most of our friends were still in college and stuff when we got married. Now within the last few years all of our friends have met someone and fallen in love and got married as well.
Here is the part that really saddens me… we both started to think we did something wrong or smelt funny or something. ALL of our friends stopped calling us and hanging out with us. Well come to find out every couple in our core group except one is either getting a divorce, or going through one or talking about it. I am talking about 4 or 5 couples and a few on the edge. It hurts to see families go through this, I do not see what goes on behind closed doors but I ask myself why? What is the deal? I can not imagine life without my best friend. I know for several our friends their spouse has been there best friend as well for a long time. I know no one is perfect but I feel so bad for these families, I can not imagine what is going through their heads and hearts. We have been saying lots and lots of prayers for all of you. I don’t know what else to say… and to let them know that we always have an open door and I promise we will not take sides.

Great shots and I agree with your dh and I got married younger than all of our friends and we are the only ones that aren't having problems or on the verge of divorce...
I love your pictures and I so with you on your post. It's hard to see marriages fall apart. My brother seperated 2wks after he got married and was divorced a month later. It's really heart wrenching to see happen. Divorce is hard but on the upside sometimes it works out for the best my dh parents divorced and his mother is remarried to the most wonderful man in the world. He is the best Grandpa to our dd.
those are aewsome shots!! I just can't see why or how people get divorced! every marriage has it's ups and downs , but come on, it's easy to just call it quits!!! so glad you are in a happy marriage! it's so rewarding isn't it?! makes the hard work worth it too!!! i HOPE your friends rethink their decisions before it's too late!
Wonderful journaling and love your pics!
Great piotures! And yes marriage is hard work, but isn't everything you have to work hard for worth a lot?!?If you didn't have to work for it, it wouldn't matter that much is what I think!
Great pictures. I really enjoyed your post
We got married pretty young too. We unfortunately know of couples that have gotten divorces, or getting a divorce as well. It's a sobering statistic out there, but you've got the right marriage manual in these shots, awesome!
beautiful ring shots. have to agree its hard to see things fall apart. i myself am remarried and its definitely been for the best. there are the upsides sometime.
Beautiful shots. I remember a year when there seemed to be an epidemic of divorce in our social circle too. It felt weird.
Weddings are tough to shoot, I agree...and unfortunately I agree that marriages are tough too. Any thing that is worth having is worth working for. I wish the best to your friends.
Very cute shot.
Very nice shots. I like how you placed your rings on the Psalms. .. It IS sad when people divorce; it affects the whole community of people around them who love them. I know it's God that we have to turn these things over to, rather than judge people ourselves, because, on the outside of a marriage, we never know what the couple is really going through.
That's sad about your friends. In my family, all of my siblings are still married. My parents were together until my mom died. But in my DHs family, divorce is very common. Seems like it is too easy to get married and too easy to get divorced and too much pressure in between.
Divorce is one of the saddest things ever I agree on that. Thankfully me and dh are still going strong after 20ish years. Your shots are right on.
wonderful shots. We are also going through a seasom where people in our social circle are getting divorices. It saddens me that they aren't willing to fight. I do think there are valid reasons for divorce but in some cases it just seems that they aren't willing to stick together.
I really like your shots today, beautiful rings on a beautiful book of the Bible. I don't know many divorced people, but can only imagine how difficult it must be to make such a huge decision. I know marriage can be a lot of work at times, but so worth it. On the flip side, my cousin married someone that wasn't what he put out there and she divorced him. It was for the best and she is now very happily remarried.
sorry to hear what's happening with your friends, that is really sad. Beautiful photos, and I'm happy for what they represent for you and your family!
I love the pictures and the story that goes with it. Very insightful and reflective.
we're a little past the 10-year mark too and I couldn't imagine ever living life without him. There's almost nothing that can't be worked through if you're committed. Unfortunately I think a lot of people these days have a very temporary frame of mind - like everything is disposable.
Good for you. I love the first picture and what it symbolizes for you and your wife. Marriage is a commitment, and most people don't consider it to be that. I wish you many more years of happiness!
That is so sweet of y'all to photograph your friends wedding for them! I can't imagine not having a wedding photographer. Great shots and congrats to you on ten years!
I agree with everything you said--it's very hard to watch a friend's marriage fall apart. On a happier note, I really like these. I particularly like the angle of the first one. My only suggestion might be to brighten them up a bit, being careful to not wash out the text--you had good sharpness there!
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